About the AYO Recent

AYO Recent is a pan ASEAN Research center and an affiliate of the ASEAN Youth Organization. The research center was founded in September 2021 and works through its large network of young researchers from across ASEAN and ASEAN + countries. The research center conducts independent research through its networks of seasoned researchers and aims to provide quality research with accessible mentorship and room for peer-to-peer learning and growth. We strive our best to create noble research which is informative, easy to understand, and draws attention to the ongoing political and social climate in the ASEAN region.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish their work with AYO Recent agree to the following terms:

  • Authors retain copyright and grant the AYO Recent right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License-NonCommercial 4.0 International that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal for non-commercial purposes.
  • Republication or any duplication of the work without express consent of AYO Recent management is prohibited. In this context silence also amounts to denial.
  • Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work. Only the finally published manuscript (as available on the website) is allowed to be shared or posted by the authors.


Resources from the AYO RECENT must only be utilized for academic purposes; they cannot be used for financial gain, commercial benefit, or any other non-academic purposes. Therefore, the creator of a copyrightable work must report the work and provide title to the AYO RECENT if they significantly rely on AYO RECENT’s resources to produce the work. Regular usage of desktop computers, university libraries, and limited secretarial or administrative resources are a few examples of non-significant uses. The Publication and Liaison Officers of the AYO RECENT should be contacted with any questions concerning what qualifies as significant use.

Additional Statements

  • Previous publication: The author verifies that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. 
  • 3rd party copyright: It is the responsibility of the author to secure all necessary copyright permissions for the use of 3rd-party materials in their manuscript.
  • Statement on plagiarism: The author declares that this is their original work and has been written by the stated authors. 
  • Institutional work:  All copyright for institutional work will vest with AYO Recent. Institutional work here refers to, ‘all the work submitted to AYO Recent or done under the supervision or direction or will be AYO Recent copyright.’ 
  • Second Publication: The second publication of AYO Recent or work published with AYO Recent elsewhere by any author is not permitted. This means that once a work has been published with AYO Recent, it cannot be published elsewhere. It can be referred to for educational and non-commercial purposes, however, it cannot be replicated in totality and the credit must be given to the original author  i.e  AYO Recent.
  • Approval: Authors can present their work after the publication has been done or after they have received written approval from AYO Recent.
  • Commercial Use:  The commercial use of any article is not permitted without our prior written consent and payment of the appropriate fees, even if you are the author or the employer, funder or affiliate organization of the author of the article. For the purposes of these terms, a commercial use means, use in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation, including but not limited to provision or distribution of any article or part of any article (including any abstract, figures or tables) in any format: to support marketing activities; in response to medical information requests; to support activities at a conference, exhibition or trade show; as resource material on a company or product-specific website. You may contact us.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


In case of any disputes between AYO Recent and the Author, the dispute will be resolved through the mediation process amicably. Both parties to the dispute will have their representatives in the mediation proceedings to facilitate and resolve the dispute.

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